Opening date | September 22nd, 2022
visits by appointment under
SIZE MATTERS, Margaretenstrasse 11, 1050 Wien / Austria
Sasha Auerbakh & Sebastian Doplbaur, Jürgen Böheimer & Harry Hachmeister, Simon Goritschnig & Paul Riedmüller, Patrick Weber & Johannes Grammel, Esther Stocker & Katrin Plavčak, Gerlind Zeilner & Georg Frauenschuh, Lotte Schreiber & Judith Augustinovic, Catharina Wronn & Marielena Stark, Katharina Schilling & Kathrin Wojtowicz
Tombola is an exhibition format initiated by Terese Kasalicky and Heti Prack. Teams of artists are invited to throw their themes and media into the lottery pot, the raffle tickets are drawn. The conditions for the works are determined by Fortuna and the results are exhibited.